Roll ball is a popular sport, originated in the Asian region. It's a combination of basketball, throwball, handball and roller sports in which; two teams compete with each other.
Roll ball is similar to basketball 한국야동
Roll ball can be played indoors as well as outdoors on hard surfaces such as wooden or asphalt.
Roll Ball is a combination of roller-skates, basketball, throw ball and handball skills packaged in a high adrenaline game.
Each team has twelve players where six players are present in the field and the rest six acts as substitutes.
Equipment of this sports are Helmet and knee pads for all players, and a chest protector for the goal keepers.
Rules of Playing Roll ball
Run with the ball without dribbling
Skate with the ball without dribbling
Intentionally hit or block the ball with any part of the leg
Accidentally touch the ball with the foot or the leg
Benefits of Playing Roll Ball
Good Sportsmanship
Develop grasping skills
Eye hand coordination
Finger Muscles
Ability to move objects from one another